This blog is dedicated to really the only thing that (at this point) Grace enjoys doing, and that would sucking on poor Angela's tata's.
Anglea has had quite the task of helping Grace to taste, latch, fill-up, and poop the baby nectar of the gods...
She has had a few hiccups, with mastitis, hamburger nipples, a few shark bites, and engorgement (i didn't even know that was a word that could explain boobs).
What I am so impressed about is her will to continue..that despite the pain, despite the frustration, despite the work it takes to help Grace drink and be merry, she powers through with an amazingly positive attitude. I get more frustrated for her, but she is dilligent and heartset, every three hours, to fill our precious baby with the best goods that money can't buy (at least in this country...)
On a more serious note, I am so thankful for how dedicated Angela is to breastfeeding, to taking the absolute best care of our daughter, and selflessly sacrificing all comfort, dignity, and clean shirts for her well being.
Man I love my wife...cause I sure as hell couldn't do it.
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